Get The Visa You Need To Work Legally In The U.S.
Immigration and employment are closely related: Many immigrants have come to the U.S. specifically for its economic opportunities; others immigrate in order to be closer to their family or for a number of other reasons, but need to find work in order to make their residence sustainable.
At the Law Offices of Hugo Pina, our immigration lawyers are committed to helping you obtain the visa that you need to accomplish your goals. We have assisted clients in obtaining both temporary work visas as well as visas that can lead to permanent residence. The best way to determine which visa is right for you is to schedule a free consultation in one of our offices in McAllen and Harlingen, Texas.
Get A Work Permit And Work Legally In The U.S.
Another way to work legally in the U.S. is to obtain a work permit directly from your current or prospective employer. There are also ways to obtain work permits if you have been a victim of a crime. This can be a useful solution for residents facing removal proceedings as well as those without status in this country. Examples of these include Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), U visas and many others.
We can help you evaluate your options and determine if a work permit is right for you. If it is, we will help you navigate the legal process so you can live and work in the place of your choice.
Get Support From Experienced Texas Immigration Attorneys
To see how the Law Offices of Hugo Pina can help you work legally in the U.S., contact us online or call us at 956-320-2241 to schedule a free initial consultation at one of our offices in McAllen and Harlingen, Texas.
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