Newcomers into the U.S. may think that the journey of immigration ends with becoming a Legal Permanent Resident (LPR). In reality, immigrants have the opportunity to gradually transition into U.S. citizens with equal rights as U.S.-born citizens. Some immigrants might...
News And Thoughts On Immigration Law in South Texas
Who can travel with a professional who has a work visa?
Family-based immigration is one of the most common ways that people legally enter the country. And, those who have connections to others who live in the United States may qualify for special immigration opportunities. There are many people who can help their loved...
Is English fluency required for naturalization in the U.S.?
If you’ve been a green card holder for a while and are now ready to become a U.S. citizen, you’ll want to make sure that you fulfill all the requirements for naturalization. You might wonder if fluency in English is an absolute requirement for U.S. citizenship. Being...
Don’t bring these items when you come into the U.S.
People who are moving to the United States may want to bring things from home. While that’s understandable, there are limits to what can be brought into this country. Understanding what’s allowed can help you to avoid unnecessary stress on your journey to your new...
Processing the emotional challenges of immigration
Immigrating to a new country is a significant transition that can inspire a mix of emotions and challenges that can be a lot to process. While immigration often offers new opportunities, it can also be a source of stress and overwhelming emotions. If you are...
Who can help their parents legally enter the United States?
Immigration is a way for people to pursue a better life for themselves and for the people whom they care about the most. Those with the legal authorization to live in the United States of America can often use their presence in the country to help their closest loved...
When could divorce affect an immigrant’s status in the U.S.?
Two of the most popular family-based immigration programs involve marital relationships. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issues special visas for those engaged to a United States citizen. A K-1 visa lets someone enter the country to get...
Will job loss force an immigrant to leave the United States?
Businesses in the United States often require highly-educated and skilled workers to keep their organizations competitive. When they aren't able to find enough talent domestically, they may start looking into international hiring. Companies can potentially attract the...
How difficult are the tests required to become a citizen?
Those who secure work visas or a green card through a family member may want to stay in the United States forever. If those individuals currently living in the United States meet certain standards, they may qualify to become naturalized citizens rather than remaining...
Can you help family members immigrate with a green card?
Maybe you had excellent grades and were able to secure a student visa to enter the United States. Your excellent academic performance continued through college, and you eventually secured an employment arrangement. Now, you have a green card and are a permanent...